Attendence Information

Daily attendance is required in accordance with state laws and rules set forth by our Board of Education. School attendance and school success are inseparable. We encourage regular attendance. If families encounter difficulty with attendance, the school office will contact them. If a satisfactory resolution to the problem is not found, it may be necessary to involve the truant officer. Please call Lamont School at 845-4404 on the morning that your child is absent from school.  

Note: 3 unexcused absences/tardies more than 30 minutes automatically referred to a district truancy advocate.

A child who has excessive absences we will need to have a doctor’s excuse or a receipt from a physician to be excused. Note: Lamont School District Board Policy (5113 AR)

Being late to school and coming into the classroom late can be very disruptive to the school environment. We encourage students to be punctual. A bell will ring throughout the school at 8:00 a.m. Students will be counted as tardy if they are not with their class by the time the tardy bell rings at 8:05. Students who arrive after 8:05 will need to report to the office for a tardy slip.

Rewards for Attendance

After each trimester all students with perfect attendance will have an awards assembly to receive a certificate signed by his/her teacher and the principal.

  • Daily attendance letters to spell attendance words

  • Monthly traveling trophy

Excused Absences

  1. Personal illness of the student.

  2. Death in the immediate family.

  3. Religious holidays or a conflict between personal religious beliefs and school celebrations.

  4. An emergency situation approved by the principal.

  5. Excused medical or dental appointments.

  6. Notify the school within 72 hours to clear an absence – (after 72 hours the absence will be declared unexcused and will be counted towards the Truancy Program).


Leaving School Grounds

A student must not leave the school after having been in attendance. Parents desiring to take their children out of class are required to make their request through the office.

Under no circumstances will teachers permit adults to take students from classes without specific authorization.

Students leaving the building must have a pass issued from the office. Only authorized adults will be given permission to remove a child from their class.